------------------------------------------------------------------ LINUX JOURNAL: AN INTRODUCTION TO USING LINUX AS A MULTIPURPOSE FIREWALL "By installing Linux on that old 486 you have sitting in the corner collecting dust, you can create a firewall so all the computers on your local LAN can see the Internet, and at the same time, transfer data back and forth between each other..." COMPLETE STORY: http://www2.linuxjournal.com/lj-issues/issue71/3546.html ------------------------------------------------------------------ SECURITY PORTAL: DISTRIBUTED DENIAL OF SERVICE ATTACKS LIKELY TO GET WORSE "Trinoo, one of the simpler programs in the current bumper crop is now available for Windows... if we've learned anything over the last year or two, it is that infecting a Windows desktop with malicious code is trivially easy..." COMPLETE STORY: http://securityportal.com/direct.cgi?/topnews/ddos20000224.html ------------------------------------------------------------------ COMPUTERWORLD: EXPERTS: HACKERS MAY BE INFECTING THOUSANDS OF WINDOWS PCS "Computer hackers may quietly be infecting thousands of Windows PCs in preparation for another wave of DoS (denial-of-service) attacks..." COMPLETE STORY: http://www.computerworld.com/home/print.nsf/all/000225F16A ------------------------------------------------------------------ Jean Francois Sends... President & CEO MagusNet, Inc. MagusNet.com CTO EBIZ Enterprises, Inc. TheLinuxStore.com,TheLinuxLab.com,LinuxWired.net