I work for a company that manufactures docking stations for laptops. We are getting ready to launch a couple of product lines, and have a beta test on one of them currently running. We still have a few slots open for anyone having an interest in participating. Although our main interest is in the Windows OS compatibility, I'm sure our engineers would love to have some feedback on any experiences with Linux (I already converted a couple of them). However, the main emphasis is on Winblows. I choose to post this here because I still feel Linux users (in General) are move hardware savy than the average Windoze user. To find out more about our products, go to: http://www.mobl.com To discuss participation in any testing, email: jnolton@mobl.com I have been following the thread on Meeting locations, and I am sure I can convince my boss the use of our facility on Saturdays (or any evenings) if it is desired. We too, are located in North Scottsdale (Hayden & Redfield/Thunderbird) (Just south of payson for those who are just north of Tucson :) Mike mgcon@getnet.com http://www.getnet.com/~mgcon Phoenix, AZ USA