I went to Fry's and bought a new video card and a graphics accelerator. Here are my specs: Video card ---------- Diamond Speedstar A55 AGP S3 Trio 3d Chipset 8 MB memory 230 Mhz RAMDAC Accelerator card ----------------- 3DFX Voodoo 2 1000 PCI Card 12 MB Memory I have spend the last hour or so in XF86Setup trying to get my X server properly configured. My card isn't specifically listed in XFree86; Speedstar A50 is but I can't get it to work with this card so I opted for using the S3 setup. I have X running and everything looks good, except my mouse is a big white square, which tells me I messed something up. Was it by using the wrong card setup, or using the wrong configuration? My other question is, does Linux support video acceleration? If so, could someone point me out to the HOWTO for it or other documentation? Thanks -- Lucas Vogel lucas7@home.com ICQ: 44697169