It seems like on Sun, Feb 20, 2000 at 12:08:28AM -0700, Digital Wokan scribbled: Orig Msg> Maybe I should look into Linux VPN stuff again. Someone said they were Orig Msg> doing it. Maybe if they sent some very detailed instructions on Orig Msg> combining IP Masq with VPN or PPTP... (PPTP server being an NT4 box.) Orig Msg> Go to and type in VPN and PPTP for a search. vpnd and FreeS/WAN are the two I would take the closest look at for a business LAN/WAN config. I have not tried the PPTP stuff yet so I am not sure how well it works. It would still be cheaper to build a Linux machine and buy a Linux based VPN product than going the Cisco route. Although I have to say that it is hard to beat a dedicated Cisco router depending on how your bandwidth is being used. ObBlasphemy: the *BSDs have some pretty good VPN support as well. Jean Francois President & CEO MagusNet, Inc. CTO EBIZ Enterprises, Inc.,,