-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Serial terminal program Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2000 16:59:35 -0600 From: "TAZ Gravel, Emmanuel" To: "'kevin_brown@uswest.net'" Sorry to send you a message directly but I can't subscribe to mailing lists from work and this is my only internet access for now (until either ADSL or Cable Modem is available in my area). I have Linux running on a Sparc20, and an external machine to which I can connect a serial cable on which the console (including all startup and debug info) is running. I'm presently using an NCD X terminal for this purpose but would prefer to slowly get that box off my desk and replace it permanently with a Linux machine. For that I need to know which terminal program I can use. I've tried minicom but that didn't see to work quite right (expecting a modem). Would you have any suggestions? BTW I don't have kermit installed (default RH6.1 istallation) Thanks! Emmanuel