Arson, Make the sign of an "L" with your fore-finger and thumb, now place your hand on your forehead. Seriously...spammers have cd's full of millions of random generated email addresses, or they pull addresses from usenet, websites, listserv's. They do broadcast mailings. They don't know how many addresses are valid, so they put the obligatory "unsubscribe" message on the bottom, which makes you feel like it's a legit company, and to fulfill the spam laws. When you try to unsubscribe, they log this, put it to thier "premium" email list, which they then sell at a higher rate, because you've validated your email address. Don't feel too bad, it's a pain in the #$@, there are programs that will allow you to filter out specific hosts, or to search your email and route spam to the bit bucket. "We have you surrounded, put your hands up, and step away from that unsubscribe button, and no one will get hurt!" > >Not so much linux related but still I felt I >needed to vent somewhere any you guys should >understand where I am comeing from. > >I was getting an occasional spam email like >maybe once a week when I decided that I should >go ahead and fill out the stuff to be removed. >as soon as I did that I don't know if they >decided wow I have a real address here. now >I get 3-10 spam messages from porn-home bussnes- >loan-everything else crap. I never understood >why people complained so much until now. I >don't know if it is from the place I said to >unsubscribe me or if they just sold my email >to everyone else in the world??? arg!! > >Bill Warner >______________________________________________________ >Get Your Private, Free Email at > > >_______________________________________________ >Plug-discuss mailing list - > ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at