--jI8keyz6grp/JLjh Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I never saw the original email. When I saw it was HTML in Mutt I discarded it. Thank Kibo I look for email that mentions me. So, what was the original question and how was it related to SPARC? JLF Sends... The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. -- H.L. Mencken On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 03:43:32PM -0700, Mike Sheldon wrote: Orig_Msg>=20 Orig_Msg> *Please* stop posting HTML email. The massive .sig is a bit oppre= ssive also. Orig_Msg> Nothing you post on a public mailing list could possibly be consi= dered Orig_Msg> "privileged, proprietary and confidential". Orig_Msg>=20 Orig_Msg> I believe Jean Francois is one of the more knowledgable sources o= f info on Orig_Msg> the Sparc platform. Orig_Msg>=20 Orig_Msg> Michael J. Sheldon Orig_Msg> Internet Applications Developer Orig_Msg> Phone: 480.699.1084 Orig_Msg> http://www.desertraven.com/ Orig_Msg> PGP Key Available on Request --jI8keyz6grp/JLjh Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.7.1 Comment: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished iQEPAwUBOKH9BYwLFyn9uVjnAQE31AfOIuKRL/bgyVHceiLQ0JPOe03BH4EtiVTX /n1kkoVQZ3Ul4is4Vn3p3W/b/c52axfxfw0cJS1HczPgia+BqG7qEdeNGvZG24WK dGPHN7thdiyjq9vVTLYnqgNHLaLej26yKR489qXPs8GoAb4mzStHzfzIZ9Da7VeS PQHP60GDvInpthn1Y82Umq8CeHRAjX76v6NM3dkS0Azni3pm1B0n7e/0BKkvtzOY gumAaCKAOHG60dAV0RRMdr4Bm6DyNyx9wNaMiRGA4fjD1oEpaDoidTfoyi/7TfhW aslU6KRVqcej6gp9taCA3y6pOkEIo/il+r0HpY1LRnA74Q== =D4TN -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- --jI8keyz6grp/JLjh--