I would be glad to do a 10 minute presentation if there is interest. There was an amazing amount of new and old hardware and software for linux I had never heard of from some very established UNIX/Linux companies. I think I can get a LinxStore PIA to demo also. See you then. Note: I got SPAMMED from the IP range that the mailing list is on. I currently have a 90000 second delay on PLUG mail so expect delayed responses from me for a while while I trace the original SPAM and determine if the delay will be removed. JLF Sends... This message brought to you by General Necromancy: "At General Necromancy, we bring dead things to life." It seems like on Mon, Feb 07, 2000 at 12:21:54AM -0700, jiva@devware.com scribbled: Orig Msg> Jean, Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Can we talk you into giving a short LW report at the upcoming meeting? Orig Msg> I'm sure we'd all be interested in what you saw! Orig Msg> Orig Msg> Jiva Orig Msg>