On Sat, 5 Feb 2000, Lucas Vogel wrote: > My kernel lies beyond the 1024th cylinder. What do I do to be able to > boot to it? Any ideas? Lucas, you should be able to boot from floppy or cd. I think grub supports kernels beyond 1024 and mbr probably does as well as mbr doesn't require anything outside the MBR to come up. You should create a small partition 5-10MB is more than enough for most people that can be mounted as /boot. Keep that towards the beginning of the disk and keep your kernels in there and you won't have any 1024 problems with lilo. ciao, der.hans -- # +++++++++++=================================+++++++++++ # # The Linux for YOUR Business seminar, Feb 8th in Phoenix # # http://www.excelco.com/seminar3.htm # # der.hans@LuftHans.com # # http://home.pages.de/~lufthans/ # # Science is magic explained. - der.hans # # ===========+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=========== #