This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_005A_01BF6E88.E3664040 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Starting on Friday, 25 February 2000 the Glendale Community College = Regional Information Technology Association along with two GCC = departments will be sponsoring an Open Lab for Social Computing. =20 The lab is only open to GCC faculty, staff, and students. However, any = Maricopa county resident can get computer privledges for a semester by = enrolling in NC-500. NC-500 costs $24.00. GCC (and other MCCCD = colleges) also offer an open-entry open-exit introductory course in UNIX = that might be interesting to those totally new to the *NIX world. (See = GCC's web site at Planned activities include internet access through a sizable pipe, = access to MS Office 2000, Leggo robots, and multi-user recreational = programs. =20 We will also be renovating some old 486 computers. The hope is to load = Linux on the machines and build a thin-net LAN. RITA's web page is at: (I hope to update it this weekend.) Sincerely, Trent Shipley RITA President P.S. RITA is a chartered Glendale Community College club. All donations are tax deductable. ------=_NextPart_000_005A_01BF6E88.E3664040 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Starting on Friday, 25 February 2000 the Glendale Community College = Regional Information Technology Association along with two GCC = departments will=20 be sponsoring an Open Lab for Social Computing. 
The lab is only open to GCC faculty, staff, and students.  = However,=20 any Maricopa county resident can get computer privledges for a semester = by=20 enrolling in NC-500.  NC-500 costs $24.00.  GCC (and other = MCCCD=20 colleges) also offer an open-entry open-exit introductory course in UNIX = that=20 might be interesting to those totally new to the *NIX world.  (See = GCC's=20 web site at
Planned activities include internet access through a sizable pipe, = access=20 to MS Office 2000, Leggo robots, and multi-user recreational = programs. =20
We will also be renovating some old 486 computers.  The hope = is to=20 load Linux on the machines and build a thin-net LAN.
RITA's web page is at:  http://gecko.gc.maricop=
(I hope to update it this weekend.)
Trent Shipley
RITA President
P.S. RITA is a chartered Glendale Community College club.
All donations are tax deductable.