<p>Every cPanel host I’ve seen in the past couple of decades includes both Hoarde and SquirrelMail, as well as Box.</p>
<p>I use Eleven2 hosting. I have a reseller account with WHM on SSD drives. They always seem to be running some kind of sale, so check them out.</p>
<p>I bounced around between a few different hosts and while you’d think all cPanel / WHM hosts are the same, they’re not.</p>
<p>There are a bunch of low-level settings that the host can adjust, and while it “looks” like every other cPanel / WHM host, it may not behave like it.</p>
<p>I had some hosting at NameCheap for a little while, and those guys are what I’d call at the “paranoid” end of the scale. They disabled so much stuff that most others allowed that it left me feeling like my sites were in prison. (Like, you can’t open webmail from your mail panel! You have to do to the URL in your browser!)</p>
<p>I had left HostGator prior to that because their performance got horrible and their support went to shit after they got bought out by “the Borg” that’s been buying up hosting companies all over the place. (I forget their name.) NameCheap may even be owned by them as well. Eleven2 is still independent AFAIK.</p>
<p>Anyway, Eleven2 is far more relaxed with stuff, and their support has been really good.</p>
<p>I don’t like to have to deal with hosting issues. I like a resller account b/c it offers me the flexibility I need, and it’s fully managed. I don’t need a ton of resources, so it works out perfectly.</p>
<p>BTW, I know that a lot of folks here can’t imagine not managing their own systems; I did that for nearly a decade. But after my main HD died the 3rd time, and I had four different dedicated servers rooted and taking over by hackers, because I didn’t want to spend an ginormous amount of time keeping up with the steady stream of secuirty patches you need to deal with, I moved back to a hosted reseller account. I let the hosting folks deal with keeping the vermin out. Sure, there are a few tradeoffs, like I can’t get a root login, but ya know … it’s easy enough to set up something at home and hook it to the internet if I ever need to.</p>
<p>-David Schwartz</p>
<blockquote><p>On Aug 4, 2019, at 8:46 PM, Joe Lowder <joe@actionline.com> wrote:</p>
<p>Squirrel Mail has been my main and preferred email client for more than 10 years because it is (imho) easier to use with a “cleaner,” less cluttered, and more efficient and more sensible interface than any other email client.</p>
<p>Recently, however, using it on Bluehost web hosting service has become problematic, I think because bluehost is trying to intentionally sabotage it.</p>
<p>Can anyone suggest any other source where I might find a properly supported host for squirrel mail?</p>
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