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On Wed, 2013-07-31 at 09:03 -0700, Dazed_75 wrote:
Ted may be right about where the growth market is. Especially if he primarily considers the 15-35 year groups. On the other hand, there are hundreds of millions of current users with history of using a desktop and people who want/need bigger displays who detest the who "Let's make everything work like a tablet" concept. I have a tablet and a smartphone and I appreciate how they work. But I and most of the people I know (in 4 computer clubs) want our big screens to remain highly usable and that will never be with a touch interface.
Case in point: Global menu on a screen with multiple visible windows is just plain stupid. Global menu is fine as long as I can turn it off. I used to hate unity, but now I miss it when I don't have it. That said, I hate the number of configurable things we are losing to the "growth market".
I work with a lot of elderly people and most of them do not want to learn tablet and touch interfaces. I am having a lot of success with Linux for people who absolutely do not want Windows 8. Linux is much easier for them. Until I have to explain global menu. So I end up using other desktops for almost all of them.
It's always hard to tell what everyone really wants: <A HREF="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_consensus_effect">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_consensus_effect</A><BR>
I believe that, in the end, people don't want to learn new interfaces for every different computer like thing that they use on a daily basis. And, they'd prefer to have consistent paradigms and applications through out the continuum of devices they use. Certainly, that means that everything won't be perfect on every device/screen/input method/etc. that people use. But if that's your goal, everything has to be specialized and that's impractical from both the training perspective and the development cost perspective.<BR>
But, it's all OSS, feel free to use what you like forever, that's a right the GPL gives you.<BR>