Why "no such file" error ?? SOLVED

joe at actionline.com joe at actionline.com
Fri Oct 21 19:47:04 MST 2022

My apologies to Joseph Sinclair for failing
to acknowledge the response that he provided
re the subject issue.

I did not see your October 12 email until
today because I am apparently being blocked
by something from receiving emails from PLUG.

Yes, I did confirm that all the permissions were
set correctly and there were no symbolic link
in the path.

Yes, I did recompile the program on the new machine.

The solution, however, was that the readin.c
source code was out-dated and needed to be updated.

So through Fiverr, after contacting more than
a dozen tech vendors, only one, a guy in Kenya
came through with the solution. He edited and
updated the source code and gave me this command
to compile it:

gcc readin.c -o readin -std=c89

Once I did that, the new 'readin' worked fine.

== 2210-12 at 16:55 Joseph Sinclair wrote:
Re: Why "no such file" error ?
I know it seems simple, but have you checked
permissions to ensure the user ID running the
script has both read and execute permission for
the executable, and the extended attribute noexec
is not set on the executable?

I've seen that error when permissions are not
quite as expected, or when extended attributes
are set to prevent an action.

Another possibility that comes immediately to
mind is whether there is a symbolic link in the
path to the executable, symbolic links can get
weird at times.

Third question, Did you copy over the binary,
or recompile the program on this new machine?
If you did copy an existing binary, a recompile
might be a good idea to rule out issues caused
by ELF or glibc changes.


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