Special-Use Domain 'home.arpa.'

techlists at phpcoderusa.com techlists at phpcoderusa.com
Thu Nov 24 07:25:06 MST 2022

Hi Micheal,

Thank you for your help!!

Ok,  in this example,

host.butash.net is public - one A record and one or more CNAMEs.

host.internal.butash.net is private.

I assume you have two DNS servers?  One public and one private?  Who 
gets the A record and all other hosts are CNAMEs?


On 2022-11-23 12:51, Michael Butash via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> General rule of thumb is not to spoof real domains, as you'll break
> anyone using it elsewise, just about anything else is open game.  I
> can make a tld domain, .xyz (assuming this isn't a free-form tld now),
> and so long as things point at that naturally (like an internal
> resolver), it will pretend to be authoritative even if not.  I've had
> customers run internal dns under AD with something random as their
> domain, it works so long as everything using the domain knows to point
> internally first.
> What I do is use my domain, butash.net [2], and create an internal
> subdomain off it, internal.butash.net [3] or like, and put all my
> home/lab stuff under that as my internal dns knows to put a ns record
> for the subdomain to itself, otherwise go out to public.  No one is
> the wiser generally, and my needs are met.  Recommend the same.
> -mb
> On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 12:19 PM David Schwartz via PLUG-discuss
> <plug-discuss at lists.phxlinux.org> wrote:
>> I looked into this topic a while back and it’s a bit of a
>> quagmire.
>> The general concensus I found was to use .local as your TLD as it
>> has been reserved for that purpose. There are a few more, like
>> .test, but .dev is a legitimate TLD run by Google.
>> I’ve talked with several people who set up their own DNS server on
>> their intranet to respond to their own TLD so you don’t need to
>> use the hosts file on every machine. I think most companies with
>> multiple layers of firewalls take that approach because it won’t
>> resolve the URLs across the firewall — public DNS will always
>> return an error on the lookups.
>> -David Schwartz
>>> On Nov 23, 2022, at 9:26 AM, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss
>>> <plug-discuss at lists.phxlinux.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> As you know I am building a "home office" lab for PHP development
>>> and testing.  I was not satisfied with the research I completed on
>>> "non-routeable" domains for a private network made up of
>>> "non-routeable" domains.
>>> In the distant past I used to use .dev for the TLD.  From what I
>>> am reading this is not a good idea.
>>> According to https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8375.html [1] one
>>> should use "home.arpa.".  They add a period to the end which I
>>> assume is the DNS domain name stop character when used in zone
>>> files.  Any thoughts?
>>> I will not be using DNS.  My needs are so simple I will be adding
>>> the IP and domain name in my host file, at least for now.
>>> I've read a lot about this subject.  Some say to use a registered
>>> domain with a subdomain that is on a private IP. I really do not
>>> want to commingle public and private assets on the same domain.
>>> Any feedback is much appreciated!!
>>> Thanks!!
>>> Keith
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> Links:
> ------
> [1] 
> https://u2206659.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=SJEG7TF39YLaAIMD0HhsfI0lbTtxhf0B9iVXMIHo234e-2FVw-2FyhT-2BRhbwtow13oAB1bD76MUDbm-2FuyVnd7UVxqQ-3D-3DqK4N_o-2BjQxMsWfboH-2B-2BcY2qb3IYCoqvthnvff9ftZz0pNEJ2tF1jbVlVBtrlaPYq4av3GFmhIl6hDTJp0vlcEfWuD5HliN7mazq1NqkL46JEotJwwOK-2FkuKaTizng8wU1HWxnp-2FMw8BnQ6VeeHFxnCcbBMqs4qb-2Fp11-2FJtxGr4MPTS6hEGMLYpFcvZWkbxeQNcCqBF3sv-2F7D-2BuOIrW1z5JDzK2UEZktkYqoOIEHWfocWRNmw-3D
> [2] http://butash.net
> [3] http://internal.butash.net
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