Domain Registering and Hosting/Website Funny Business

Steve Litt slitt at
Sat Jul 23 01:21:33 MST 2022

On Fri, 2022-07-22 at 18:45 -0700, Keith Smith via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a friend who owned .  It expired 
> along with his hosting while he was in the hospital.
> I get the domain was available to be registered.
> Here is the interesting part.  Somehow the new domain owner also was 
> able to get his WordPress website complete with all of his business 
> content.  It appears not to have been changed.

This is technically possible, but I'm pretty sure it's a copyright violation on the
part of the new domain owner.

As far as the domain itself, you snooze you lose. The LEAP-CF LUG in Orlando lost
its domain and it proved too expensive to get it back. Same happened to

LOL, on the other hand, my buddy had RepairProcess.Com (I have Troubleshooters.Com,
so I think you can see the relation). When he decided to let it go, he asked me if I
wanted it and I said no, so he just let it lapse. A couple years later I figured,
what the heck, it's only fifteen bucks, so I grabbed it and still have it. Sometimes
abandoned domains just sit there.


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