burn to cd

Matt Graham mhgraham at crow202.org
Wed Aug 31 17:17:35 MST 2022

On 2022-08-31 08:29, Michael via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> This leaves my original question/ How does on burn stuff and leave it
> open to add more stuff later?

People already answered this in one way:  Multisession.  There's a way 
to do this with k3b but 700M is not that much data these days, so it's 
less useful for CDs.

If you have a DVD+RW, then you can format a DVD+RW disc as UDF with 
mkudffs, and mount it read/write, and then you can also delete things.  
I have never actually *tried* this, but it's supposed to work according 
to the kernel documentation.

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