Ultrathin Laptop ...

Snyder, Alexander J alexander at snyderfamily.co
Tue Aug 9 19:37:33 MST 2022

I bought this one, refurbished for just under $388.

Samsung - Galaxy Book S 13.3 inches Laptop



Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S22+

On Tue, Aug 9, 2022, 17:47 Snyder, Alexander J <alexander at snyderfamily.co>

> Seeking input on ultrathin laptops that can run Linux adequately well.
> Prefer a 15" screen, but don't care about much else, as it's only "real"
> job will be to host an RDP session to my Workstation and Server.
> I know a lot of laptops can run Linux, but I was hoping to get feedback
> from real world usage.
> Ultrathin and 2-3 pounds is desired.
> Thanks,
> Alexander
> Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S22+
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