API Help ...

Snyder, Alexander J alexander at snyderfamily.co
Wed Aug 3 09:00:12 MST 2022

I'm new to API Requests in general.

I'm I have an admin API Token that should be able to do "all the things".

I'm using Postman and I'm trying to send queries to Chef Automate.

I'm following along with the Chef Automate API documentation:

I have downloaded their JSON Schema definitions, and imported that into
Postman, so I have examples of all the API they have ....

I mean, I'm the definition of "being hand held", LOL ... but things just
aren't working.

Like I try to hit "/api/v0/compliance/nodes/search" to get a list of all my
nodes ... as they suggest in the example, i apply a filter of "environment:
prod" ... but it returns "Method Not Allowed", and i don't know what that
means ... and the documentation doesn't mention that.

Specifically, I'm reading this:  "

Even if you're not familiar with Chef, or Automate ... I think I need help
with API.


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S22+
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