IRC network takeover

Matthew Crews mailinglists at
Thu May 20 15:26:06 MST 2021

On 5/19/21 12:57 PM, der.hans via PLUG-discuss wrote:

> Do we want to move to Matrix or other FLOSS chat?

I for one think this is a good time to move to Matrix. Its a FLOSS
solution, supports a lot of modern features that people expect (like
historical chat logging, E2EE, rich text support, chat channels),
decentralized, self-hostable, portable, supports bridging to IRC and
Telegram, and clients for it are about as widely available as IRC.

For all the pros of IRC, one of the major cons is that there is no
archive function, which makes it poorly suited for anything except
real-time communication.

Having said that, I'm not an expect at hosting a Matrix instance, and I
don't know what kind of hardware is needed for it.


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