Password managers

Michael Butash michael at
Mon Mar 8 09:49:42 MST 2021

Fun article I saw today.  I didn't even know Logmein was acquired by
another VC troll to add to their bottom line.

I moved off them last year as my 5yr subscription finally ended.  I really
liked them originally as revolutionary.  I bought it before Logmein bought
them, and regretted it ever since as logmein is a scab of a company I
already hate (no linux support, ever).  They've only now whored themselves
out further to vulture capitalists since their video conference solution
fell apart (or never evolved).

I'm still down with keepassxc, but I miss mobile sync for passwords.  I
should probably try Bitwarden, but I expect some other sack o' crap will
just acquire them eventually if they grow.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 3:10 PM der.hans via PLUG-discuss <
plug-discuss at> wrote:

> Am 24. Feb, 2021 schwätzte pademc1 via PLUG-discuss so:
> moin moin,
> > I'm looking for a new password manager. I have been using LastPass.I
> > tried to upgrade to the paid version but I keep getting shut down.So,
> > what do you recommend? "Just because you got the monkey off your back
> > doesn't mean that the circus has left town."George Carlin
> For web-based systems Bitwarden has a good reputation.
> Nextcloud also has two password manager apps available.
> I believe all 3 allow you to share passwords with other people if you need
> that.
> I have shared passwords via one of the Nextcloud apps for a project, but
> don't remember which I used.
> I still prefer KessPass-based systems. I use KeePassXC on my system and
> KeePassDroid out of F-Droid on my phones. I have multiple KeePass files
> and only share some things on the phones.
> ciao,
> der.hans
> --
> #
> #  "If you stop people installing their own software on systems they
> #  supposedly own then you are part of the problem, and whatever whining
> #  and marketing you do you share responsibility with the powers who abuse
> #  what you created." -- Alan Cox,
> 2017Jul31---------------------------------------------------
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