install BABL

Matthew Crews mailinglists at
Thu Nov 12 23:25:28 MST 2020

On 11/12/20 8:29 PM, Michael via PLUG-discuss wrote:
> This is bizarre. I installed gimp with apt (I had it installed with
> flAtpak) and it wouldn't start after the install. so I opened up a
> terminal to capture any error. This is what I got:
> BABL version too old!
> GIMP requires BABL version 0.1.78 or later.
> Installed BABL version is 0.1.74.
> Somehow you or your software packager managed
> to install GIMP with an older BABL version.
> Please upgrade to BABL version 0.1.78 or later.
> would someone help me put the right version in? I tried to apt it in
> but that didn't work.

Which distro are you running? I would submit a bug report.

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