How to get different wallpapers on linux mint kde 18.3

Michael Butash michael at
Mon Mar 9 10:15:20 MST 2020

KDE loves different wallpapers, for some unfathomable reason.  Apparently
they haven't heard of high-resolution 11520x2160 resolution wallpapers that
make my desktop look beautiful ala since the
90's.  Particularly
you just need to right click on each desktop and set the background, I tend
to do a rolling pattern of 4k displays when using KDE, otherwise I use 4Kx3
display images at full triple 4k resolution that are beautiful when the
desktop (like kde) isn't stupid to disallow this.

Cinnamon/mint do this, but do not let you split the screens per desktop.
One reason I really hate KDE still.  Give me my single framebuffer for 3x
4k displays!  Everything else does


On Mon, Mar 9, 2020 at 12:08 AM Joe Lowder <joe at> wrote:

> How can I get different wallpapers on each virtual desktop with linux
> mint kde 18.3 ?
> I have that working on one of my other computers with Mint 17.3, but I
> can't figure out how to get it working on mint kde 18.3
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