New Router Purchase

Eric Oyen eric.oyen at
Sun Oct 27 00:25:48 MST 2019

If your issue with the router is intermittent but getting worse, it’s likely that the router is starting to show symptoms of a component failure. Usually this is a direct result of something getting hot.

There are a fair number of commodity routers available, but if you want one that is open source compatible, try checking the dd-wrt list and then choose one with the best possible features that will work with the open source dd-wrt firmware.

Btw, I use an ASUS model router here. It’s a mid level consumer grade unit. Unfortunately, it won’t work with DD-wrt because it is using a custom ARM cpu from ASUS.

Here is an article on the best DD-wrt compatible routers for 2019:

Anyway, have fun and let us know how it works out for you.

From the Central Offices of the Technomage Guild, Infrastructure deployment Dept.

> On Oct 26, 2019, at 12:10 PM, techlists at wrote:
> Hi,
> It appears I am having Internet router problems.  Occasionally I will not be able to access the Internet for a few seconds to a minute or so.  This morning I was not able to access the Internet at all. 
> I am with Cox and have a home office business account.  I called Cox and they suggested bypassing my router and connect directly to their modem.  That worked.  Based on that I think my router is going bad.  
> I had turned off the modem and the router for a maybe an hour or so while I did other things.  I now have access.
> I would like a secure router.  Cox says almost any modern router will be secure.  Security is a big issue.  When I look at all the WiFi that is available in my neighborhood I see maybe 10 routers.  That is scary! 
> Since I have a business account that allows servers I have been using port forwarding.  I am a programmer and occasionally I fire up my laptop turned server for testing. 
> I also have set up my WiFi to only accept those devices that I have configured by MAC address. 
> Any toughs on my pending router purchase?
> Thank you so much for all your feedback!!
> Keith 
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