Intel's Clear Linux ...

Matt Graham mhgraham at
Wed May 15 09:56:06 MST 2019

On 2019-05-13 18:49, Joe Lowder wrote:
> Intel's Clear Linux ...

If you want to run a GUI, it requires an Intel graphics card.  This 
means most people won't be able to run it as their desktop, because 
everyone who cares about graphics went for AMD or nVidia.  I also have 
no idea whether it'd run properly on an AMD CPU, or whether KDE is 
available.  My reaction to running GNOME is "Gnope!"  I may try their 
live CD on the laptop at some point, but that laptop is not set up for 
UEFI, so installing it will be impossible.

The long rows of benchmark results make me think, "There are five 
species of mendacity, each worse than the last:  Lies, damned lies, 
statistics, benchmarks, and vendor promises."

Crow202 Blog:
There is no Darkness in Eternity
But only Light too dim for us to see.

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