HDMI Not Working In 4K with Cable Over 25 Feet

Michael Butash michael at butash.net
Sun Dec 8 11:38:04 MST 2019

I could barely support 50-60ft at 1080p over physical hdmi for some noc
video walls I built for a customer, 4k is likely going to be worse without
an active component chip  to the extension cable.  Quality of the cable is
a big part - to get length, I required the use of specifically 24ga wire in
the cable, which was quite thick, but not a biggie as most was in walls.  I
got this up to 75ft, but again only 1080p, not 4k...

My suggestion is look at 4k over lan repeaters ala HDBase-T.  They are out
there, but pricey(er) for 4k - check monoprice
<https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=24281>.  I've used 1080p units like
Just Add Power units for video walls, but requires some automation around
it too for more than one.  Just a single display should be easy to extend
over copper with some hdmi adapters at least.


On Sat, Dec 7, 2019 at 5:16 PM Aaron Jones <retro64xyz at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have tried three separate cables to connect my Radeon RX580 to a monitor
> and none of them work. I need to be able to connect from across my room and
> so I have purchased a 20 Foot Cable, a 25 Foot cable, and a 30 Foot cable
> with a repeater and none of them will keep a signal at 4K. However, I moved
> the 30 foot cable over to the displayport using an adapter and reduced to
> 1080p and it works.
> Any one able to recommend a 4K friendly method for connecting my system at
> around 20ish feet?
> Thanks,
> Aaron
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