OT: Non-Geek wants honest Registrar and Host service

Victor Odhner vodhner at cox.net
Fri Aug 30 12:36:21 MST 2019

A friend who is totally non-technical wants to move their WordPress from the current registry and hosting service, and is looking for is good providers of registry and hosting, with the most honest reputations within a reasonable cost.

A few years ago I worked with NameCheap, and have heard fairly good stories.

I’ve heard some registrars are in a better chance to negotiate transfer of a name which may be owned by the current registrar.

I’m pretty sure my friend was spoon-fed the setup with a single phone call, and might find a change too complicated. I am personally free of [largest-of-local-providers], so my bias is towards running away from [that], but I don’t really know what choices are “out there” for innocent button-pressing clients.

Thanks for any advice,
Victor Odhner

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