portable streaming media hardware question

David Schwartz newsletters at thetoolwiz.com
Fri Nov 16 13:55:45 MST 2018

I recently purchased a course online, and I need to go through all of the materials. It’s hosted online, but is also available for download.

So I just downloaded a bunch of files. They’re a combination of audio (MP3), video (MP4), some PDF files, and slides (PPT/PPTX).

The total size exceeds my monthly data plan, and I don’t like having to stop and restart long videos when I have to take a break for some reason, because they invariably lose track of where they are and end up having to restart from the beginning.

I’d like to be able to load them onto a small pocket-sized device that runs as a simple media server so I can access them from whatever device I have handy, without having to worry about uploading them to each device. There are some WiFi thumb drives, but their batteries don’t last very long, and I’d like to be able to put stuff on MicroSD cards that I can swap in and out rather than doing the whole backup/restore thing to swap files.

There’s a ton of software available to run, but what hardware options are there?

Think something like a phone or tablet with a MicroSD slot, that lets me run some server software and act like a media server that I could connect to from my phone or iPad or other mobile devices. It should have enough battery to run for 6 hours or so without a recharge.

Any ideas?

-David Schwartz

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