Distros for Web Serving

Nathan O'Brennan plugaz at codezilla.xyz
Tue Mar 20 12:39:49 MST 2018

Which repos do you use? Remi's or IUS? 

On 2018-03-20 12:24, Eric Cope wrote:

> You can add updated repos for CentOS for PHP7 and MariaDB. 
> We do this. 
> Eric 
> On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 12:21 PM, Aaron Jones <retro64xyz at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Nginx or Apache?
>>> On Mar 20, 2018, at 12:12 PM, Nathan O'Brennan <plugaz at codezilla.xyz> wrote:
>>> I've been using RedHat/Centos for 20 years now and generally don't look much else for my server needs. I have a production server that is seriously straining under the load and it appears to be time to upgrade to a larger server. But I'm wondering about the benefits of php7 and maybe a newer mariadb than what currently ships on Centos 7.
>>> Call me an old dog, but I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea of using Ubuntu server and learning all the new stuff. I'm a developer who also is tasked with managing all the servers and just not sure I'll have the time to learn new tricks.
>>> Maybe I'm just looking for a confidence boost, but any other devops guys here using linux web serving and looking at some of the newer technologies?
>>> I appreciate your thoughts and insights.
>>> Nathan > <0x241A8881.asc>
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