Unrecognized Monitor stuck at 1024x768

Matt Graham mhgraham at crow202.org
Thu Mar 1 12:45:34 MST 2018

On 2018-03-01 10:43, Matt Graham wrote:
> On 2018-03-01 09:35, Victor Odhner wrote:
> I don't think you'll be able to drive a monitor at 1920x1080 using
> VGA.

Never mind, Pickyweedia says you can probably do that as long as the 
cable is less than 15 feet long.

> Typos cause troubles :-)  The line also looks wrong to me, as
> it doesn't have any numbers >= 1920 in it, and it should if
> it's specifying a resolution 1920 pixels wide.

>> vodhner at MusicTeam ~ $ gtf 1020 1080 60

...I think you'll have a better shot at this if you s/1020/1920/ in the 
above command.  The KVM will have to be able to handle the high 
resolution.  If it doesn't, nothing will work.  However, they also make 
multi-port HDMI switchers, so you could potentially buy one of those and 
go that way.

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