Major Intel Memory Vulnerability

Jerry Snitselaar dev at
Thu Jan 4 16:22:56 MST 2018

On Thu Jan 04 18, der.hans wrote:
>Am 03. Jan, 2018 schwätzte Matthew Crews so:
>moin moin,
>good writeup on memory management and how this is an issue from before the
>bug details were released and a follow up article from the same guy about
>the bugs.
>If I were still teaching sysadmin that article would be required reading.

The writeup from the project zero folks:

>>I would be more concerned IF the next gen CPU has this fixed. All's I know is that if Intel wants to fix the very next gen, they will need to scrap a lot of silicon that has already been finished.
>>Sent from [ProtonMail](, Swiss-based encrypted email.
>>-------- Original Message --------
>>On Jan 3, 2018, 15:35, Nathan O'Brennan wrote:
>>>I'm more curious to know which versions of Intel's upcoming chips have been fixed already. I would like to upgrade my current workstation in the next year and will stick with Intel despite any performance impact over AMD.
>>>On 2018-01-03 00:43, Aaron Jones wrote:
>>>>I read the performance hit for Intel chips will be %35 or so after the fix.
>>>>On Jan 2, 2018, at 7:49 PM, Eric Oyen <eric.oyen at> wrote:
>>>>>so, does this mean that the UEFI might get patched first? OR, does the OS ecology have to do so first? Lastly, how much of a performance hit will this represent?
>>>>>from the central offices of the Technomage Guild, the "oh look! yet another bug!" Dept.
>>>>>On Jan 2, 2018, at 3:39 PM, Matthew Crews wrote:
>>>>>>In a nutshell, it is a major security flaw in Intel hardware dating back a decade that is requiring a complete kernel rewrite for every major OS (Linux, Windows, Mac, etc) in order to patch out. It cannot be patched out with a CPU microcode update. Major enough that code comments are redacted in the patches until an embargo period is expired. Also the reported fix will have a huge performance impact.
>>>>>>Also crucial to note is that AMD chips are not affected by this.
>>>>>>How the heck does something like this go unnoticed for so long?
>>>>>>Sent from [ProtonMail](, Swiss-based encrypted email.
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