New Video: der.hans - Introduction to /etc/alternatives, from the August 9th PLUG Meeting

Brian Cluff brian at
Sun Aug 12 18:08:11 MST 2018

Presented to the Phoenix Linux Users Group on August 9th 2018 by der.hans

/etc/alternatives allows choosing among many programs to provide a 
certain functionality.
For instance, editor can pick the locally preferred text editor. 
Alternatives will also make sure man-pages also match.
Attendees will learn:
* What is /etc/alternatives
* Why is /etc/alternatives
* How to configure /etc/alternatives
* How to use helper scripts

About der.hans:
der.hans is a Free Software community veteran, presenter and author. He 
is the founder of the Free Software Stammtisch, BoF organizer for the 
Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE) and chairman of the Phoenix Linux 
User Group (PLUG).

As a technology and entrepreneurial veteran, roles have included 
director of engineering, engineering manager, IS manager, system 
administrator, community college instructor, developer and DBA.

He presents regularly at large community-led conferences (SCaLE, SeaGL, 
LibrePlanet, LFNW, Tübix) and many local groups.

If you like what you see here, the Phoenix Linux Users Group meets 
several times a month.  Please visit for meeting 
times and locations then come see the presentations live and uncut.

Feedback on the video is appreciated....

Brian Cluff

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