I am so royaly @&%$ OFF at Debian that it's not even funny...

Eric Oyen eric.oyen at icloud.com
Thu Sep 21 20:22:55 MST 2017

thats probably why the Vinux Project went over to RedHat a few months back. It does irritate me that ORCA is so far behind the current development cycle that it won't work in Ubuntu 16.04. That leaves me (and hundreds of other blind GUI users out in the cold). I haven't tried the new Vinux Project yet. I am hoping they have a better GUI capable text to speech system.  Console is great with BrlTTY, but is largely limited to most of the CLI based system tools and executables (and some of those aren't exactly screen reader friendly with heavy nurses usage).

From the central office of the Technomage Gild, Accessibility projects Division.

On Sep 21, 2017, at 8:13 PM, Steve Litt wrote:

> On Thu, 21 Sep 2017 18:23:32 -0400
> kitepilot at kitepilot.com wrote:
>> First the F$%#@RS shove in us F$#*!N@ systemd.
>> Now I am trying to download a live CD to fix some issues and you
>> *HAVE* to download the DAMN thing with a F$@#$!N@ GUI!!!!   8-( 
>> What's happening with Debian, where did it go wrong...
>> Sigh...
>> ET
> Me too. I used to view Debian as a close-to-the-metal DIY friendly
> distro that didn't make you jump thru hoops like Arch's 40 step manual
> chroot install. And I used to view Debian as the ultimate ethical
> distro: I trusted them.
> Then something went wrong with them. I don't know if the method they
> used to choose systemd was the cause or the effect, but look here to
> see the kangaroo court decision process (warning: Big download):
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=727708
> In the insurrection that followed, Debian lost a lot of DIY-style users
> and a few devs to distros like Devuan, Void, *too, *BSD and the like.
> If you spend a few days on the Debian-User mailing list you see that
> most of what's left of their user community are dweebs who should
> really be using Ubuntu.
> I view the Devuan project as the successor to Debian, with the
> development chops and the ethics. I view the current Debian as the rump
> state of the former Debian (still big in numbers but sick and almost
> certain to decline).
> I myself went to Void Linux, and have been very happy. I recommend
> Devuan for my friends who don't want to get as down and dirty as I do
> with Void.
> It's a shame about Debian, but all good things come to an end.
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> September 2017 featured book: Manager's Guide to Technical
> Troubleshooting Brand new, second edition
> http://www.troubleshooters.com/mgr
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