OT: video player with controls on other monitor

Aaron Jones retro64xyz at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 22:01:56 MST 2017

Mpv from the command line. 

Then all the controls work off the command line or the minimal gui. 

> On Sep 17, 2017, at 5:22 PM, Victor Odhner <vodhner at cox.net> wrote:
> Is there a video player that can display a video on one monitor (a projector), with the control bar on the other monitor?
> Keyboard controls help, but for example I want to see where I am in the program, and if it’s running, if in a static splash screen. Also, a visual control bar is friendlier if a non-techie is running it, but we don’t want to clutter the movie.
> My usual search expression vocabulary has abandoned me in this case, maybe because the feature I’m looking for is not of interest for most users so doesn’t get mentioned in reviews.
> I’m doing it on a Macbook, but I might try a Linux guest (or even windows as last resort) if that’s the only answer.
> Thanks,
> Victor Odhner
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