options to redirect through static IP?

David Schwartz newsletters at thetoolwiz.com
Sun Nov 26 17:37:49 MST 2017

Jeez ... the last thing I want is to have to do is manage my own VPS!

An account on GitHub is only $20 / mo. I value my time at far more than $15/hr.

FWIW, my hosting at this place is prepaid for a year. I’d rather use what they offer.

The thing is, this is going to be VERY, VERY LOW UTILIZATION. I’d use free github, but these are not files I want to be publicly available.

I could also set up my own cloud server at home here and access it remotely if I need to do so, but I’m not sure it would be any more secure than a VPS sitting at a hosting facility somewhere.

-David Schwartz

> On Nov 26, 2017, at 5:27 PM, Herminio Hernandez, Jr. <herminio.hernandezjr at gmail.com> wrote:
> If they want to restrict external access then they are using some form of access-list. Firewalls can process static ip addresses much faster than DNS domain names. I would get VPS like digital ocean. You can get a cheap server for $5/mo and set up OpenVPN or an SSH proxy.

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