Why does ps -ef show four entries for chrome? Thanks!

joe at actionline.com joe at actionline.com
Fri Nov 24 09:54:18 MST 2017

Thanks for those explanations, James!
ps -efH is a very helpful tip!

> Chrome runs each tab in a seperate process, and the same for plugins,
> though sometimes those are shared. If you run ps -ef instead of top and
> get the parent processid, they'd likely share a common parent. You can
> organize the output with H. ps -efH and it'll group it in a tree format
> based on parents, etc.
> As for why you have multiple sessions, tty/# is the console, pts/# are
> pseudo terminals. Either ssh, gnome terms, whatever.  Depending on which
> distro you're running, it may or may not show your sessions. Systemd has
> a better handle on logins ...

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