Video from meeting on 7/13: Intro to Krita

Brian Cluff brian at
Thu Jul 20 21:28:18 MST 2017

I just posted the video from This month's meeting where Phil Waclawski 
presented an Introduction To Krita.

Krita is a powerful painting program, designed for graphic designers and 
general artists. I will introduce the basic features it provides, along 
with some special filters, including G'mic.

Phil has been a faculty member, focusing on open source software at MCC 
for nearly two decades.

Phil teaches a variety of course, including MySQL Database, PHP, Python, 
Javascript, HTML 5 and CSS, Linux OS, Internet Server Set up and more.

This summer, Phil will once again be offering a "MCC Multimedia Madness" 
summer camp for 6-8th graders. Over the two weeks I will cover a wide 
range of open source software, including GIMP, Inkscape, Krita, 
Audacity, Blender, Hydrogen Drum Kit, Tux Guitar, Openshot, Linux 
Multimedia Studio, work with green screen and more.

For hobbies, Phil has too many. Blacksmithing, archery, Leatherworking, 
Wood Working, Jewelry, Sound Recording/editing and SCUBA diving. Phil is 
also learning to play the Bass.

Phil has been using linux at home for desktops and servers since 1994.

Hope you enjoy it,
Brian Cluff

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