How to open a text file with kwrite from a menu?

joe at joe at
Sat Dec 30 12:38:39 MST 2017

I have an html menu with a list of tasks that open
various documents both online and on my local system.
Most of the tasks in the list open html documents,
but one of the tasks looks like this:

<a href=file:/home/joe/data/notes.odt>notes</a>

When I click on "notes" (using Firefox) a dialog pops up
that reads: "What should Firefox do with this file?"
(*) Open with LibreOffice Writer (default)
( ) Save File
[ ] do this automatically for files like this.

Two questions:
(1) What actions and what syntax could I use to open a plain text
document with 'kwrite' (the text editor that I use most often)?

(2) How can I get this to work with the Chrome browser, also?
(It only works with Firefox now.)

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