Good Cheap PC to play MP3s and MP4 video? (Was: OT Mac Mini obsolescent?)

Matthew Crews mailinglists at
Wed Dec 6 21:46:35 MST 2017

>-------- Original Message --------
>Subject: Good Cheap PC to play MP3s and MP4 video? (Was: OT Mac Mini obsolescent?)
>Local Time: December 6, 2017 10:46 AM
>UTC Time: December 6, 2017 5:46 PM
>From: vodhner at
>To: Main PLUG discussion list <plug-discuss at>
>OK, I’ve decided on Linux. (No longer OT!)
>I need recommendations on an adequate PC to run stereo music and videos (1920x1080 projector) for a church.
>I decided that Linux would be best to ensure that we can have good performance and up-to-date software for this well-defined application. We wouldn’t be at the mercy of Apple or Microsoft dragging us around a sharp corner. My main backup guy has been using Linux (Mint, like me) for some years, and the apps are basic enough that our other users would be comfortable.
>I’d like to keep this as cheap as reasonable, concentrating on solid quality (e.g. really adequate power supply) so that we wouldn’t have to worry about it for 5 to 10 years. I’d want all parts to be brand new, or almost.

Why not a Raspberry Pi 3? $75 for a complete kit including a 32GB SD card, and it can run either Raspbian (a spin on Debian), Ubuntu MATE, or OSMC. It should be powerful enough to project video and audio for your needs.

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