compile hugin

Brian Cluff brian at
Tue Jan 5 09:36:58 MST 2016

Why don't you just install the packages from the package repositories?

Even if you only have the older 2014.0.0 version available, there really 
isn't much difference between the current version and the older one. 
Certainly there are no features that someone new to the program would 
possible miss, and all this attempts at compiling is keeping you from 
getting your task at hand done.
You're more likely to end up with a binary that is missing features or 
stitches images horrendously slow.... hugin can easily eat your 
computer.  Hugin and Blender are the 2 major programs on my system that 
caused me to purchase the monster of a computer that I have.  It's quite 
easy to create panoramic images that require the system to have to 
process a several hundred Megapixel image.  Doing that can take quite a 
long time to finish... sometimes hours or days depending on the 
computer.  Having an improperly compiled hugin could easily make that 
wait 10 times longer.

Brian Cluff

On 01/05/2016 08:39 AM, Michael Havens wrote:
> I thought to compile it I would simply have to untar it and then run
> make and make install. not so. After it wouldn't  make I found
> which states,
> "
>   * An OpenMP capable compiler is strongly recommended. A compiler
>     without OpenMP support creates now executable which runs only single
>     threaded.
>   * Hugin is now using some C++11 features. If your compiler does not
>     support C++11 it provides a fallback to Boost libraries instead.
>   * Changes to dependencies
>       o lensfun library and all dependencies of this lib are no longer
>         needed.
>       o sqlite3 is now needed for camera and lens database
>       o libfftw3 is optional, but recommended. With libfftw3 the
>         finetune feature and align_image_stack show a significant speed up.
>       o libvigra >=1.9 is now required (the internal old vigra library
>         has been removed from Hugins source code). Check that libvigra
>         is compiled with TIF, JPEG, PNG and *OpenEXR* support (at least
>         the OpenEXR support is by default optional and needs to be
>         activated explicitly during compiling of libvigra)"
> So I "apt-get install openmp*" and then.... Gosh, I don't know what to do!
> any ideas how to proceed?
> --
> :-)~MIKE~(-:
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