other drive

Brian Cluff brian at snaptek.com
Fri Aug 19 08:57:38 MST 2016

Hugin writes a lot of temp files in TIFF format which is a lossless 
format and therefor takes a lot of space.  If you are stitching a lot of 
images at a very large size each individual TIFF file could be hundreds 
of megabytes in size, resulting in gigabytes of space being used 
temporarily.  If you have checked any of the boxes under "Remapped 
Images" in the stitching tab, or Hugin crashes during the stitching 
process then the temporary files will not get cleaned up.

The temporary files should be in the same directory as the images you 
are stitching unless you have changed the default.  You can look in the 
preferences under "Filenames" and right at the top is your Temporary dir 
path.  If it's blank, then it should be in the same place as your source 

Brian Cluff

On 08/19/2016 06:02 AM, Michael wrote:
> I set my computer up with home on it's own drive. I discovered last 
> night (when I was my gigapixel rendering) the setup is screwed up 
> somehow (I came close to running out of disk space and df says there 
> is a LOT of space on home). Could someone tell me where I screwed up 
> and how to fix this? Well looking at df again it says /home is using 
> 50 gig which indicates it is being used. Why did I run out of room?
> -- 
> :-)~MIKE~(-:
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