To Tux or not to Tux (VM's)

Michael Butash michael at
Wed Apr 20 10:44:14 MST 2016

I've not seen this issue with it, and I've had to have windoze enumerate 
some pretty extensive directories of files being forced to work with 
various data for a customer last year for several months, or even just 
my music directory.  It's not uncommon I'm editing files between windoze 
in a conference with notepad++, then refresh the file in gedit/kate on 
the linux side, edit some more there, and back to win.  Both behave 
great in things like this, which I thought might freak it out.

USB with xhci was a problem I do remember now under vbox/linux. If you 
have usb3 devices, it might be a bit suspect, but using them on a 2.0 
port works fine - something with the xhci devices just seem to suck as 
they've always had issues under linux with their firmware.


On 04/20/2016 10:06 AM, James Dugger wrote:
> In the past VBox's GuestAdditions plugin for file sharing between host 
> and guest systems has had latency issues and even file corruption when 
> the shared folders had a lot of files to manage.  Is this still a 
> problem in VBox.  I don't recall this issue in QUEMC, though 
> admittedly it has been a while since I have used the later.

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