To Tux or not to Tux

Brian Cluff brian at
Tue Apr 19 18:24:22 MST 2016

Correct, but you have to ask yourself, do you really need updates for a 
box that even if it gets infected can't hold onto an infection between 
loads of the VM.

That being said, getting something like cryptolocker would really suck, 
so you might want to come up with a procedure so that the machine gets 
updated periodically but goes right back to being locked down, but if 
he's only using the system for strictly the bare minimum, the likelihood 
of getting an infection is slim to none.

Brian Cluff

On 04/19/2016 05:04 PM, Wayne D wrote:
> Just so (I) am clear on this:  A VM setup this way cannot get winblows 
> updates either... correct?  It would literally be frozen in time.

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