LinuxMint Question

Tom Roche Tom_Roche at
Thu Oct 29 13:14:16 MST 2015

Nathan England
>> My Pastor told me tonight he's had enough of Windows and wants to go to Linux[, which leaves me] with a hard question... LinuxMint Cinnamon or LinuxMint Mate[?]

Shouldn't your question be, "What Would Jesus Install" ?-)

Stephen Partington
> Dont forget that there are options for live cd's

Better yet, LiveUSBs: why waste plastic? See, e.g., . As the URI indicates, my interest is LMDE, but the doc includes instructions for Live-ing a main-edition Rebecca ISO, which should adapt easily to Rafaela), as well as some other useful utilities.

> so he can try both and

... pray for divine guidance ?-)

HTH, Tom Roche <Tom_Roche at>

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