ubuntu and kvm

Michael Butash michael at butash.net
Wed May 13 01:21:58 MST 2015

Curious if anyone is using (successfully) ubuntu 14.04 with kvm, 
virt-manager, qemu, spice, etc.

I ask because out of frustration with commercial vendors not supporting 
virtualbox (meh oracle, can't blame em), and finally trying kvm now as 
they have an image for that, just to launch this darn thing.  KVM is 
pretty new to me, or modern iterations of it, and it incessantly refuses 
to import or build a vm, seemingly due to an issue with this spice 
reporting it's not built in.  Seemed an easy enough install on the 

Did some research, spice as the graphic acceleration for console video 
was new to me, seems more of a pain than worth, but I can't seem to work 
around it and simply not use it.  The module is there, yet the binary 
reports it's not, no one else complains on teh googles since 12.04 with 
the last major bug, but this simply refuses to work.  The old references 
from 12.04 just indicate it had to symlink a different binary, the 
scripts were just broken with hard references, but that isn't the case.  
This simply says spice isn't built into it, when every other thing seems 
to indicate it is.

Tracking it back, some suggestions were to use the vnc lib vs. spice, 
and that starts complaining that I think ubuntu screwed up the apparmor 
profile as it's denying when I attempt the vnc display profile.  
Removing apparmor just breaks libvirt and causes a segfault internally 
without apparmor hook completion.  I ended up wasting a better part of 
today, and finally giving up in frustration, just to get a stinking f5 
load-balancer appliance to boot.

Ugh.  Starting to hate ubuntu again, and f5.

Anyone at all use ubuntu 14.04 with kvm successfully with or without 
these quirks?  Weird I don't see any trace of the same issues from 
others, but really can't see how this is something I did wrong following 
from a few diff "how to" guides on ubuntu 14.04 was was just installing 
packages and a re-login for group perms.


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