OT: img size width question ...

joe at actionline.com joe at actionline.com
Sat Mar 28 09:41:51 MST 2015

Also, I just checked it on a 12" Chromebook and the image
is even larger than on a 24" desktop monitor. (Yes, I did
CTRL + 0 (zero)

That makes no sense.

> What is the actual size of the image?  I'm not sure, however I think
> that when getting the properties of an image it will show the actual
> size of the image not the HTML width and/or height.

> On 2015-03-27 19:46, joe at actionline.com wrote:
>> When I use <img src=image.jpg width=270>
>> and then view/screen capture the result,
>> the actual width is 380 pixels.  Why is that?
>> How can I specify the desired size and get
>> what I specify?

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