O/T : Looking for an entry level LAMP developer for contract work.

Stephen Partington cryptworks at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 13:19:08 MST 2015

I shared this to someone i know that is looking.

On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Keith Smith <techlists at phpcoderusa.com>

> Hi,
> I posted for an entry level LAMP developer a week or so ago figuring I
> would find a number of people wanting to break into LAMP development.  What
> I received was a lackluster response.  I was offering $22/hr 1099 with the
> potential to bill 40 hours a week.  I figured by the time that person pays
> for health insurance figured at $250/mo, pays he self employment tax, and
> takes some vacation time and holiday time off, this compensation would be
> about $18 an hour W2 or $36,000 a year.
> Here is the contract description:
> I am looking for an entry level LAMP developer.  Would like someone with
> entry level PHP skills and entry level Linux skills.  Stuff like the
> ability to add a user, add a sudo user, and configure vhosts on apache.  I
> will give directions with examples and they will be working on a
> development VPS so if they blow it we just spin up another.  As for PHP
> skills if this person knows how to write a MySql connection string and is
> able to insert, update, delete and list.... this person could be what I am
> looking for.  This is a maintenance job.   This person would need to know
> some HTML and CSS.  jQuery would be a plus.
> This contract could last as long as 2 or 3 years.  At that point we would
> need to either up the compensation or understand when this person takes off
> for other opportunities.
> Is the compensation fair?  Any ideas why I received such a lukewarm
> response?
> Your feedback is much appreciated.
> Keith
> --
> Keith Smith
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