CentOS Networking with V Box

Todd Millecam tyggna at gmail.com
Wed Feb 4 10:20:04 MST 2015

Might be helpful to start from square one.

First thing you need to determine is if wireshark will work on your
wifi--if it does then continue.  If it doesn't, then it only worked at
starbucks because they have a wonkey setup where they're intentionally
trying to capture all the internet traffic that goes through there.

Here are the exact commands I use to setup a bridged interface manually on
a systemd system using ip (as opposed to the old ifconfig), just swap out
my ethernet ens32 for your enp0p3

]$ ip link add name br0 type bridge
]$ ip link set dev br0 up
]$ ip link set dev ens32 promisc on
]$ ip link set dev ens32 down && ip link set dev ens32 up
]$ ip link set dev ens32 master br0 #lose connection here
]$ modprobe tun
]$ ip tuntap add tap0 mode tap
]$ brctl addif br0 ens32
]$ brctl addif br0 tap0
]$ dhcpcd -k
]$ dhcpcd br0
]$ ping google.com

If ping works, then you're setup and have a tap0 interface ready to go for
your VM.

On Wed, Feb 4, 2015 at 9:19 AM, sean <sean.a.ritzler at gmail.com> wrote:

> Are you sure that it was bridged at Starbucks and not nat'd? What's the
> wifi chip? Not all have support for being bridged.
> On Feb 4, 2015 9:09 AM, "Michael Torres" <matorres124 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yes it has both ...its a laptop.  I hear what your saying but i have a
>> hard time wrapping my head around the fact that my wireless card will
>> communicate with starbucks router..but not mine.   I am going to try and
>> reconfigure. My linksys router.... i have to factory reset it as i forgot
>> the password.
>> On Feb 4, 2015 8:36 AM, "Michael Butash" <michael at butash.net> wrote:
>>> I don't use Cent ever, but if it's anything like Ubuntu, you get either
>>> a) network interfaces file ala sysconfig scripts in rh derivatives or b)
>>> NetworkManager controlling everything, but not both.  If NM is running your
>>> stack, than it's likely ignoring those configurations as it contains all
>>> that in dbus and /etc/NetworkManager or like.
>>> If that is a wireless nic, I still think the wireless isn't giving you
>>> another address, and likely won't in all cases.  Reason is typically
>>> wireless is meant to have a single client per security association.  This
>>> is usually controllable to some aspect. There's a reason to prevent this -
>>> someone bridging their laptop to strong encrypted wireless, and
>>> representing it via old wep or like I can crack with my phone.  Might work
>>> at home, but don't always expect that to work in more strict environments.
>>> Does the system have a wired nic on it?  Have you tested with that?
>>> If you want to see the transaction, "tcpdump -i enp0s3 port 67 or port
>>> 68" that "outside" interface and see if you see the dhcp packet leave the
>>> wireless.  If you get no response, your router/ap doesn't like another
>>> request.  If not leaving that interface, it's a local system issue.
>>> Packets on the wire trump all, see if there are any.
>>> -mb
>>> On 02/04/2015 01:07 AM, Michael Torres wrote:
>>>> I didnt think that was the reason. just for the simple fact that  I was
>>>> connected wirelessly at Starbucks......their router assigned me an IP
>>>> address using the enp0s3 file.
>>>> anyways,  I removed the device and reinstalled, still the same thing.
>>>> I still think its a setting in my router or perhaps Windows strikes again
>>>> and there is something in the Network Manager that I dont understand.
>>>> How frustrating.....anyways, thanks for the help, if you think of
>>>> anything else, please let me know.
>>>> Going to bed now..
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Todd Millecam
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