CentOS Networking with V Box

Michael Torres matorres124 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 23:53:43 MST 2015

OK, when I start/stop the network service, I use the following command....

[root at devserver]# /etc/init.d/network stop
    Stopping network (via systemctrl)

[root at devserver]# /etc/init.d/network start
    Starting network (via systemctrl)

Then I run the commands that you gave earlier after starting fails...

This is the result..

network.service loaded failed failed LSB: Bring up/down networking

On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 11:47 PM, Kevin Fries <kevin at fries-biro.com> wrote:

> If your interface has no IP, you can't communicate out to anywhere, and we
> are back to the conversation about starting and enabling your network
> service.
> On Feb 3, 2015 11:45 PM, "Michael Torres" <matorres124 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> thats the point.... I dont have an IP address...there is nothing that I
>> put to scan it.  My NIC was allowing it when I was at Starbucks..  That is
>> why I think its my router, as such isnt the router that assigns IP address
>> to the network when using DHCP?
>> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 11:39 PM, Kevin Fries <kevin at fries-biro.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Ok, down to two possibilities.
>>> Nmap is a scanner.  It is trying to identify your VM and probe for open
>>> ports.
>>> When you scanned by name... it did not understand that name.  Your
>>> router is external to all of this, and should not be involved at all.
>>> Try nmap by IP address.
>>> If that still results in nothing, add a virtual network via VMware or
>>> VBox.  Next add a new virtual network adapter to your VM, and connect it to
>>> the new network.  This should be a private network between host and
>>> client.  Config your interface in the VM.  This will resolve your problem.
>>> In this case, your NIC is not allowing traffic to go out, then back in to
>>> itself.  The traffic is almost certainly not going to your router then back.
>>> HTH
>>> Kevin
>>> On Feb 3, 2015 10:41 PM, "Michael Torres" <matorres124 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> netstat -plant
>>>> liastening on ports 25 and 22 both for IPv4 nad IPv6
>>>> Result from the nmap(windows version)
>>>> Starting Nmap 6.47 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2015-02-03 22:36 US Mountain
>>>> Standard Time
>>>> NSE: Loaded 118 scripts for scanning.
>>>> NSE: Script Pre-scanning.
>>>> NSE: Script Post-scanning.
>>>> Read data files from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Nmap
>>>> Nmap done: 0 IP addresses (0 hosts up) scanned in 4.20 seconds
>>>>            Raw packets sent: 0 (0B) | Rcvd: 0 (0B)
>>>> Failed to resolve "devserver".
>>>> WARNING: No targets were specified, so 0 hosts scanned.
>>>> I would ahave asusmed the the above results as the dhcp server is not
>>>> generating a IPv4 address
>>>> so...
>>>>   1) The netstat does not show the binding to port 21... this means
>>>> SSHD did not start.
>>>> I am guessing port 22 is OK
>>>>   2) netstat shows SSHD, but the firewall is not allowing it.  Open the
>>>> firewall
>>>> Firewall is already disabled
>>>>   3) netstat shows SSHD, the firewall is open, but you still don't see
>>>> the port open via nmap.
>>>>     3a) if you see other ports open, I would look at the Windows
>>>> firewall
>>>> Windows firewall allowed it on a Public network (startbuck), so why not
>>>> allow it at my home
>>>>     3b) If you don't see any ports open, you have two options here.
>>>>        3b1) Make sure your NIC (from the Windows side) is in
>>>> promiscuous mode.
>>>> dont know how to do that.
>>>>        3b2) If it is already in promiscuous mode, then this may not
>>>> work in this configuration.  In this case, try adding a private network on
>>>> a second NIC, and communicate with the VM over that.
>>>> Ill try to connect to my ethernet adpater and see if that is it, maybe
>>>> its my wireless adapter....
>>>> Mike
>>>> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 10:22 PM, Kevin Fries <kevin at fries-biro.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Ok, sorry, I misunderstood.
>>>>> Nmap could be your friend here.  Install it on your Windows machine.
>>>>> It will install the graphical tool automatically in Windows.  Point this at
>>>>> your VM, and do a "intense scan"
>>>>> Next, on the Linux VM, do a
>>>>>   # netstat -plant
>>>>> Zenmap/Nmap will tell you what ports it can see open from its side of
>>>>> the link.  The netstat command will tell you which ports are opened by
>>>>> running software.
>>>>> Lastly, on the Linux VM, do a
>>>>>    # ip tables -L
>>>>> This will tell you which ports the firewall will allow.
>>>>> Now, you have a few possibilities:
>>>>>   1) The netstat does not show the binding to port 21... this means
>>>>> SSHD did not start.
>>>>>   2) netstat shows SSHD, but the firewall is not allowing it.  Open
>>>>> the firewall
>>>>>   3) netstat shows SSHD, the firewall is open, but you still don't see
>>>>> the port open via nmap.
>>>>>     3a) if you see other ports open, I would look at the Windows
>>>>> firewall
>>>>>     3b) If you don't see any ports open, you have two options here.
>>>>>        3b1) Make sure your NIC (from the Windows side) is in
>>>>> promiscuous mode.
>>>>>        3b2) If it is already in promiscuous mode, then this may not
>>>>> work in this configuration.  In this case, try adding a private network on
>>>>> a second NIC, and communicate with the VM over that.
>>>>> Let me how it goes.
>>>>> Kevin
>>>>> On Feb 3, 2015 9:58 PM, "Michael Torres" <matorres124 at gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Well, no,  I didnt issue any commands other than
>>>>>> /path/to/network/script/network start /path/to/network/script/network stop
>>>>>> and the commands to disable firewall/SELINUX
>>>>>> I know I didnt use any systemctrl commands., but I tried to run the
>>>>>> commands that you just provided and nothing happened.  I should probably
>>>>>> say that I know that IPv6 is enalbed and have network connection to the net
>>>>>> work and I can ping yahoo.com etc.....  I just cant SSH(putty) to
>>>>>> the server.
>>>>>> This all leads me to beleive that there is a configuration in my
>>>>>> router that is not allowing me to get a IPv4 address. Does the default
>>>>>> gateway have to be a certain number?  I have manually configured that IP on
>>>>>> my router a long  time ago, but even then I had Bridged networking working
>>>>>> correctly.
>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 9:48 PM, Kevin Fries <kevin at fries-biro.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Your network is probably not getting started.  The enp0p3 is the
>>>>>>> name of an interface started almost definantly  by systemd, not the old
>>>>>>> RHEL way.  This is likely why the networking-scripts didn't work.
>>>>>>> When you were at Starbucks, you likely did a systemctl start on the
>>>>>>> interface.  Look in your history for it.  If you find it, issue the same
>>>>>>> command again.  If your interface comes up correctly,  reissue the command
>>>>>>> once again, substituting enable for start.  This second command is similar
>>>>>>> to a chkconfig command.
>>>>>>> Let me know how that works.
>>>>>>> Kevin
>>>>>>> On Feb 3, 2015 9:13 PM, "Michael Torres" <matorres124 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The result of that command is:
>>>>>>>> 0 loaded units listed
>>>>>>>> So I ran a what it suggested: systemctl list-unit-files
>>>>>>>> majority of everything says "static"  but some are "enabled" or
>>>>>>>> "disabled"
>>>>>>>> again, because  I cannot copy or capture a screen shot, is there a
>>>>>>>> specific list item that you need to see?"
>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 8:44 PM, Kevin Fries <kevin at fries-biro.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Do a
>>>>>>>>> # systemctl --failed
>>>>>>>>> And post the results
>>>>>>>>> Kevin
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 3, 2015 8:37 PM, "Michael Torres" <matorres124 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Arrghh....yes its configured.  But I am having an issue getting
>>>>>>>>>> the cat /etc/sysconfig/network-script/ifcfg-enp0s3..........because I cant
>>>>>>>>>> connect,  I cant ssh in to use outty so I can copy using my mouse.  I tried
>>>>>>>>>> taking a screen shot, but VBox for some reason wont display on on the
>>>>>>>>>> "print screen"command.
>>>>>>>>>> is there a particular setting you are looking for?  again, the
>>>>>>>>>> file is configured and it is reading it.
>>>>>>>>>> Mike
>>>>>>>>>> On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 8:15 PM, Stephen M <smelheim85 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> I don't remember if this is a problem in centos 7 as it was in
>>>>>>>>>>> 6.  But check to make sure the eth0 is configured.   But yes a print out of
>>>>>>>>>>> ifconfig inside vox would be great.
>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 3, 2015 8:07 PM, "Michael Torres" <matorres124 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello all,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have an problem that  I cannot seem to figure out.....
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am trying to use "Bridged" networking in Virtual Box to a
>>>>>>>>>>>> CentOS 7 minimum install distro that I want to use for my development
>>>>>>>>>>>> server.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I have used Bridged networking in the past and never had any
>>>>>>>>>>>> issues but that was with older versions of CentOS
>>>>>>>>>>>> The issue....  DHCP will not assign a IPv4 address to the
>>>>>>>>>>>> server.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the weird part...  I was at startbucks and actually got
>>>>>>>>>>>> it to work! (Please, hold the "Just use it at starbucks then" comments..I
>>>>>>>>>>>> know....)
>>>>>>>>>>>> Here is the process I used...
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Installed a fresh CentOS 7 on VBox
>>>>>>>>>>>> -While on NAT,  I performed "yum update" so my server was fresh
>>>>>>>>>>>> with the latest
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Disabled SELinux
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Disabled the Firewall
>>>>>>>>>>>> -Shut down server to reconfigure the adapter to "Bridged"
>>>>>>>>>>>> -used adapter type of "Intel Pro 1000 MT Desktop (82540EM)"
>>>>>>>>>>>> -set it to "Promiscuous Mode"
>>>>>>>>>>>> -restart the server
>>>>>>>>>>>> Again, at Starbucks it assigned a IP address, so this leads me
>>>>>>>>>>>> to believe that the issue is with a configuration on my router.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I am not very good at networking, so any help would be
>>>>>>>>>>>> appreciated.
>>>>>>>>>>>> If you need error messages or other output, let me know (and
>>>>>>>>>>>> possibly the command as I don't know networking that well other than
>>>>>>>>>>>> "ifconfig")
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mike
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