ArChon - Running Android apps in chrome under linux (and *others* too)

Michael Butash michael at
Mon Sep 22 10:31:21 MST 2014

Much the same here, only to end up a cup of fail with seeming typical 
inept intel gpu blocking any real use for gl function on the back end.  
Why must intel always purposely make the worst and yet most populous gpu 

I'll have to try this when not traveling to let rip against my ati gpu 
at home, and going to harvest some non-gl-based apk's from my phone later.


On 09/22/2014 10:04 AM, Stephen Partington wrote:
> well the main issue i see is the inability to launch apks cleanly in 
> linux, if you can get an unpacked apk with a proper manifest file it 
> works pretty well. but that was a whopping 10 min of reading and 
> poking about. Will try again later.
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 4:27 AM, Michael Butash <michael at 
> <mailto:michael at>> wrote:
>     I'm hoping this works - would love to introduce some android apps
>     as desktop apps.  Installing now...
>     -mb
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> A mouse trap, placed on top of your alarm clock, will prevent you from 
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> Stephen

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