wireless USB device

Matt Graham mhgraham at crow202.org
Wed Oct 22 14:10:33 MST 2014

On 2014-10-22 13:09, Michael Havens wrote:
> My father just gave me a netgear wireless USB dongle. How do I get it
> to work?

These things might or might not work properly, depending on the exact 
device revision and whether firmware is available.  What's the exact 
line that lsusb reports for this thing when it's plugged in?  This will 
look something like "Bus 002 Device 003: ID 046d:c00e Logitech, Inc. 
M-BJ58/M-BJ69 Optical Wheel Mouse" except with different IDs and a 
string that doesn't describe a mouse.  The ID string may be blank if 
you're unlucky.

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